Friday, May 31, 2024

2024 Reunion Pt 2

 Thank you, Betty, for the following reunion pictures.

Thanks to Mike & Sheila for all the work and prep and maintaining the Ranch.
Welcome to the Andre 2024 Reunion.
Three generations.
The next generation.
Enjoying the sun.
The BBQ must be about ready.
That was a great BBQ.

Happy times to all until we meet again.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Reunion 2024 Pt 1

Lots of good meat on the grill...


Early arrivals...

Tables are ready to be filled with food, drink and good company...

Everyone looks happy.
Waiting for chow call.
Too sweet.
The Tri Tip is almost ready.
Ring the dinner bell.
Dinner time.
A curious visitor.
And it is a cattle ranch after all.